usps what to do if package not delivered

USPS Packaging Instruction 9D

Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries — Domestic

Lithium metal (nonrechargeable) cells and batteries and lithium-ion (rechargeable) cells and batteries are mailable in express quantities domestically via air or surface transportation when they are installed in or packed with the equipment they are intended to operate. Unless otherwise excepted, lithium metal and lithium-ion batteries (without equipment) are mailable in limited quantities domestically via surface transportation just.

Proper Aircraft Name

  • Lithium Metal Battery.
  • Lithium-ion Battery.

ID Number

  • Lithium-ion Battery, UN3480.
  • Lithium Metal Battery, UN3090.
  • Lithium-ion Battery contained in equipment, UN3481.
  • Lithium-ion Battery packed with equipment, UN3481.
  • Lithium Metal Battery contained in equipment, UN3091.
  • Lithium Metal Bombardment packed with equipment, UN 3091.


  • Lithium metal and lithium-ion cells and batteries installed in or packed with equipment are mailable via air or surface transportation.
  • Lithium-ion (or lithium polymer) batteries may be mailed, in express quantities, via air transportation when both shipped from, and intended for delivery to, the state of Alaska under 349.222.
  • Except as provided to a higher place, individual lithium metal (or lithium alloy) and lithium-ion (or lithium polymer) batteries (without equipment) are mailable in limited quantities via surface transportation only, provided the batteries are in the originally sealed packaging, and packaged and marked as described in 349.221 and 349.222, as applicable.

Required Packaging

Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Batteries
  • Packaging must run into all applicable requirements specified in 49 CFR 173.185. Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate, mailpieces containing mailable lithium metal or lithium-ion batteries must be rigid, sealed, and of adequate size, so the lithium bombardment mark can be affixed to the address side without the marker being folded.
  • Packaging must exist stiff plenty to prevent burdensome of the packet or exposure of the contents during normal handling in the mail.
  • The use of padded and poly bags as outer packaging is permitted but when the mailpieces contain button prison cell batteries meeting the classification criteria in 349.xi d, the batteries are properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate, and the batteries are afforded adequate protection past that equipment.
  • All outer packages must have a complete delivery and return address.
  • Lithium metal batteries properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate:
    • Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than four lithium metallic cells or 2 lithium metallic batteries installed in the equipment they operate, mailpieces containing lithium metal batteries must bear a DOT-approved lithium battery mark, every bit specified in 49 CFR 173.185(c)(3)(i) and Exhibit 325.ii a, applied to the address side of the mailpiece.
    • The marker must signal UN3091 for lithium metallic cells or batteries installed in equipment.
    • Where a packet contains lithium cells or batteries assigned to different United nations numbers, all applicable UN numbers must be indicated.
    • The mark must also include a telephone number for those who need to obtain additional data.

Note: DOT-approved lithium bombardment markings must exist applied to all mailpieces when there are more than 2 mailpieces in a unmarried consignment every bit defined in 349.12 b.

  • Lithium metallic batteries packed with the equipment they are intended to operate:
    • Mailpieces must deport a DOT-canonical lithium bombardment mark, as specified in 49 CFR 173.185(c)(three)(i) and Exhibit 325.ii a, applied to the address side of the mailpiece.
    • The marker must indicate UN3091 for lithium metal cells or batteries packed with equipment.
    • The mark must also include a phone number for those who need to obtain additional data.
  • Lithium metallic batteries not packed with or installed in equipment (private batteries):
    • Mailpieces must carry a DOT-approved lithium battery marker, as specified in 49 CFR 173.185(c)(3)(i) and Exhibit 325.ii a, practical to the address side of the mailpiece.
    • The marker must indicate UN3090 for lithium metallic cells or batteries.
    • The mark must also include a telephone number for those who need to obtain additional information.
    • Mailpieces must also include the text "Surface Post Only, Primary Lithium Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger Shipping" or "Surface Mail service Merely, Lithium Metal Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Rider Aircraft."
  • Lithium-ion batteries properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate:
    • Except for mailpieces containing button prison cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium-ion cells or 2 lithium-ion batteries installed in the equipment they operate, mailpieces containing lithium-ion batteries must conduct a DOT-approved lithium battery marking, as specified in 49 CFR 173.185(c)(3)(i) and Exhibit 325.two a, practical to the address side of the mailpiece.
    • The mark must indicate UN3481 for lithium-ion cells or batteries installed in equipment.
    • The mark must also include a phone number for those who need to obtain additional information.

Annotation: DOT-approved lithium bombardment markings must be practical to all mailpieces when there are more than than 2 mailpieces in a single consignment as defined in 349.12 b.

  • Lithium-ion batteries packed with the equipment they are intended to operate:
    • Mailpieces must carry a DOT-approved lithium battery marker, as specified in 49 CFR 173.185(c)(3)(i) and Exhibit 325.ii a, applied to the address side of the mailpiece.
    • The mark must indicate UN3481 for lithium-ion cells or batteries packed with equipment.
    • Where a packet contains lithium cells or batteries assigned to different UN numbers, all applicable Un numbers must be indicated.
    • The mark must likewise include a phone number for those who need to obtain additional data.
  • Lithium-ion batteries not packed with or installed in equipment (individual batteries):
    • Mailpieces must bear a DOT-canonical lithium battery mark, as specified in 49 CFR 173.185(c)(3)(i) and Exhibit 325.2 a, practical to the address side of the mailpiece.
    • The marking must signal UN3480 for lithium-ion cells or batteries.
    • The mark must besides include a telephone number for those who need to obtain additional data.
    • Mailpieces must besides include the text "Surface Mail Simply, Secondary Lithium Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger Aircraft" or "Surface Mail Only, Lithium-ion Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger Aircraft."
Domestic — Lithium Metal Cells and Batteries:

Installed in or packed with the equipment they are intended to operate:

  • Each cell must contain no more than than 1.0 gram of lithium content.
  • Each battery must contain no more than 2.0 grams aggregate lithium content.
  • The shipment cannot contain more batteries than the number needed to operate the device.
  • Each mailpiece must contain no more than 8 cells or 2 batteries.

Private batteries mailed without equipment:

  • Each cell must comprise no more than than 1.0 gram of lithium content.
  • Each battery must contain no more than 2.0 grams aggregate lithium content.
  • The mailpiece must non exceed 5 pounds.
Domestic — Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries:

Installed in or packed with the equipment they are intended to operate:

  • The total watt-hr rating for each cell must not exceed 20 Wh.
  • The full watt-hour rating for each battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
  • Each mailpiece must contain no more than eight cells or ii batteries.

Private batteries mailed without equipment:

  • The full watt-hour rating for each cell must not exceed 20 Wh.
  • The total watt-hour rating for each battery must non exceed 100 Wh.
  • The mailpiece must non exceed 5 pounds.
Domestic — Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries

Very small, consumer-type batteries, installed in equipment, or packed with equipment:

  • Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or battery must contain no more than than 0.3 gram of lithium content.
  • Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or battery must not exceed a watt-hr rating of two.7 Wh.
  • No limit on the number of cells/batteries.
  • Each mailpiece must not exceed 2.five kilograms (5.five pounds) total weight.

Domestic Lithium Battery Mailability Showroom

Surface Transportation

Air Transportation

Mailpiece Limitations 1

Lithium Metal or Lithium Alloy Batteries 2 , 3

Pocket-sized, non-rechargeable, consumer-type batteries

Independent in (properly installed in equipment)



viii cells or 2 batteries


Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment



8 cells or 2 batteries


Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)



5 lbs.

Lithium-ion or Lithium Polymer Batteries 4 , 5

Small-scale, rechargeable, consumer-type batteries

Independent in (properly installed in equipment)



8 cells or two batteries

Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment



8 cells or two batteries

Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)



5 lbs.

Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)

(Intra-Alaska simply)



8 cells or 2 batteries

Very Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries 6 , 7

Exception for very minor consumer-blazon batteries in USPS air transportation

Contained in (properly installed in equipment)



No limit on cells/batteries 5.5 lbs.

Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment



No limit on cells/batteries 5.v lbs.

Damaged/Recalled Batteries

Prohibited, unless approved by the manager, Production Classification.


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